From Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow" Beware of the illusion of Skill and Validity! "We knew as a general fact that our predictions were little better than random guesses, but we continued to feel and act as if each of our specific predictions was valid. I...
Business Articles
The Psychology of Money (Chapter 11-20)
From Morgan Housel's "The Psychology of Money" Chapter 11. "Reasonable Rational" "Aiming to be mostly reasonable works better than trying to be coldly rational.""Do not aim to be coldly rational when making financial decisions. Aim to just be pretty reasonable....
The Psychology of Money (Chapter 1-10.)
From Morgan Housel's "The Psychology of Money" Chapter 1. "No One's Crazy" "Here’s the thing: People from different generations, raised by different parents who earned different incomes and held different values, in different parts of the world, born into different...
The Totalitarian Ego wants you to Fight or Flight.
From Adam Grant's "Think Again" When your Beliefs are Challenged, You Will Want to Fight or Flight. "Neuroscientists find that when our core beliefs are challenged, it can trigger the amygdala, the primitive “lizard brain” that breezes right past cool rationality and...
Why you need a challenge network
From Adam Grant's "Think Again" Why You Need a Challenge Network. "My favorite bias is the “I’m not biased” bias, in which people believe they’re more objective than others. It turns out that smart people are more likely to fall into this trap. The brighter you are,...
Inside View vs Outside View
From Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow" When people make predictions, they often make them without consulting Base Rates or the "Outside View". This is an illusion. You must use the Outside View when making predictions. “There are two ideas to keep in mind...
How to build Psychological Safety
From Adam Grant's "Think Again" What is Psychological Safety? It’s fostering a climate of respect, trust, and openness in which people can raise concerns and suggestions without fear of reprisal. It’s the foundation of a learning culture." (p. 209)"When I was involved...
My Favorite Quotes from “Think Again”
From Adam Grant's "Think Again" My Favorite Quotes From "Think Again." "As we think and talk, we often slip into the mindsets of three different professions: preachers, prosecutors, and politicians. In each of these modes, we take on a particular identity and use a...
Don’t think like a Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician. Think like a Scientist.
From Adam Grant's "Think Again" Most People Think and Talk Like a Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician. This is not Good! "As we think and talk, we often slip into the mindsets of three different professions: preachers, prosecutors, and politicians." (p. 18)"The risk...
How to rethink in organizations.
From Adam Grant's "Think Again" How to Rethink in Organizations. (p. 255) Have More Nuanced Conversations: "Complexify contentious topics. There are more than two sides to every story. Instead of treating polarizing issues like two sides of a coin, look at them...