From Elizabeth Dunn's "Happier Spending" Buying Time will make you Happier. Research shows that Time Affluence is a bigger predictor of Happiness than Material Affluence. "Many of us wish we had more free time to do more of what we love—for Liz, it’s working out; for...
Psychology Articles
Spend money on others.
From Elizabeth Dunn's "Happier Spending" Spending Money on Others Will Make You More Happy Than Spending Money on Yourself "Rather than think about the different ways you can spend your money on yourself to maximize your own happiness, consider investing it in others....
To maximize gratitude and overcome adaptation, make things scarce.
From Elizabeth Dunn's "Happier Spending" Humans Adapt to Almost Everything. To Maximize Gratitude and Overcome Adaptation, Make Things Scarce. "Abundance, it turns out, is the enemy of appreciation. Many of us are lucky enough to live in a society where chocolate is...
If you prepay for something, you will be happier!
From Elizabeth Dunn's "Happier Spending" "you’ll get more happiness for your money by following a different principle: pay now, and consume later." (p. 80) Prepaying will make you happier because you will get great pleasure from the anticipation and fantasy of the...
Ten Commandments Superforecasters use
From Philip Tetlock's "Superforecasting" These Are The Ten Commandments Superforecasters Use. (Please note this page is directly from page 177 from the book) Ten Commandments for Aspiring Superforecasters. The guidelines sketched here distill key themes in this book...
I’ll be happy when I find the right job. Is this a Myth?
From Sonja Lubomirsky's book "Myths of Happiness" I'll Be Happy When I Find the Right Job. Is This a Myth? "at the root of this happiness myth is the misconception that, although we’re not happy now, we’ll surely be happy when we make partner at our firm, when we’re...
How to spend money in ways that will actually make you happier.
From Sonja Lubomirsky's book "Myths of Happiness" People often spend money in ways that they think will make them really happy, but in reality it didn't really affect their overall happiness. What Are the Best Ways to Spend Money to Maximize Happiness? Spend Your...
Why you should listen to two opposing views before making a judgement
From Daniel Kahneman "Thinking, fast and slow" "Jumping to conclusions on the basis of limited evidence is so important to an understanding of intuitive thinking, and comes up so often in this book, that I will use a cumbersome abbreviation for it: WYSIATI, which...
My favorite Ray Dalio quotes
My favorite Ray Dalio quotes from his book "Principles." "Instead of saying “I know I’m right, one should ask, “How do I know I’m right?“ “None of us is born knowing what is true; we either have to discover what’s true for ourselves, or believe and follow others. The...
Whenever you see a number, beware of the Anchoring Effect!
From Daniel Kahneman "Thinking, fast and slow" Beware of the Anchoring effect! Whenever you see a number before making a decision, this number will influence your decision unconsciously!"you should assume that any number that is on the table has had an anchoring...