From Angela Duckworth's "Grit" How Can You Grow Grit? "I get emails and letters almost every day from people who wish they had more grit. They lament that they never stuck with anything in order to get really good at it. They feel they’ve squandered their talents....
Psychology Articles
Test ideas or “ooch” before leaping into them.
From Chip Heath's "Decisive" Test ideas or "ooch" before leaping into them. "To ooch is to construct small experiments to test one’s hypothesis." (p. 116) Ooching = "running small experiments to test our theories. Rather than jumping in headfirst, we dip a toe in."...
Some general principles by Ray Dalio
From Ray Dalio "Principles" 1, Instead of saying “I know I’m right, one should ask, “How do I know I’m right?" "None of us is born knowing what is true; we either have to discover what’s true for ourselves, or believe and follow others. The key is to know which path...
Close Minded Vs Open Minded
From Ray Dalio "Principles" 1. Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They are typically frustrated that they can’t get the other person to agree with them instead of curious as to why the other person disagrees. They feel bad about getting something...
My Favorite Warren Buffet quotes
From Peter Bevelin's "From Darwin to Munger" My Favorite Warren Buffet Quotes: "I have learned mainly by reading myself. So I don’t think I have any original ideas. Certainly, I talk about reading Graham. I’ve read Phil Fisher. So I’ve gotten a lot of my ideas...
My Favorite Charlie Munger Quotes.
From Peter Bevelin's "Seeking Wisdom, from Darwin to Munger" My Favorite Charlie Munger Quotes: "without lifetime learning, you people are not going to do very well. You are not going to get very far in life based on what you already know. You’re going to advance in...
Naval Ravikant Quotes
My Favorite Naval Ravikant Quotes: "I don’t know about you, but I have very poor attention. I skim. I speed read. I jump around. I could not tell you specific passages or quotes from books. At some deep level, you do absorb them and they become part of the threads of...
Are materialistic people happier?
From Sonja Lyubomirsky "The Myths of Happiness" 1, "A mountain of research has shown that materialism depletes happiness, threatens satisfaction with our relationships, harms the environment, renders us less friendly, likable, and empathetic, and makes us less likely...
Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”
Be "Hearty in your Approbation and Lavish in your Praise." "Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement." (p. 266) "Why, I wonder, don’t we use the same common sense when trying to change people that we use when trying to change dogs? Why don’t we...
Is Overconfidence Good or Bad?
From Daniel Kahneman "Thinking, Fast and Slow" Is Overconfidence Good or Bad? "Psychologists have confirmed that most people genuinely believe that they are superior to most others on most desirable traits—they are willing to bet small amounts of money on these...