From Tal Ben Shahar's "Happier" What are Tal Ben Shahar's Key Points For a Happier Life? Don't Prioritize Wealth! "Those for whom making money is the primary objective are less likely to actualize themselves and reach their full potential. They generally experience...
Psychology Articles
Are Materialistic people happier?
From Sonja Lubomirsky's book "Myths of Happiness" Are Materialistic People Happier? "materialists report less satisfaction and meaning in their lives, have emptier social relationships, are more insecure, and are less liked by others than people who are not...
The 6 Step Process for Better Decision Making.
From Annie Duke's "How to Decide" Why do I need this 6 step process? "For new decisions, you’re looking into the future, which is inherently uncertain. This six-step process will help you improve the quality of both new decisions on your horizon and your assessment of...
Why pros and cons lists are dangerous.
From Annie Duke's book "How to Decide" Why pros and cons lists are dangerous. "When we approach a decision, we have already started to form an opinion about what the right option is. Usually we don’t even know we have already formed an opinion, but that opinion can,...
Favorite Quotes from Essentialism
From Greg McKeown's "Essentialism" My Favorite Quotes from "Essentialism" "In this example is the basic value proposition of Essentialism: only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest...
Essentialists vs Nonessentialists.
From Greg McKeown's "Essentialism" Nonessentialists. vs Essentialists “I have to.” vs "I choose to.” “It’s all important. vs "Only a few things really matter." "How can I fit it all in?" vs "What are the trade-offs?" "Reacts to what’s most pressing." vs "Pauses to...
What are the traits of Superforecasters?
From Philip Tetlock's "Superforecasting" Superforecasters have significantly beaten the CIA in in predicting the future, even without classified information! What Traits do Superforecasters Have? They score very high on active open-mindedness. "Beliefs are hypotheses...
How do Superforecasters make Predictions?
From Philip Tetlock's "Superforecasting" Here is the Method Superforecasters Use to make Predictions. (Wording is from me, not book) They Break Down the Question into Sub Questions. "Decompose the problem into its knowable and unknowable parts." (p. 27) They Get the...
General summary of “Decisive”
From Chip Heath's book "Decisive" "Why do people make bad decisions?" "In recent years, many fascinating books and articles have addressed this question, exploring the problems with our decision making. The biases. The irrationality. When it comes to making decisions,...
You should trust the outside view more than the inside view according the Chip Heath.
From Chip Heath's "Decisive" What is the outside view and inside view? Inside View- "Our evaluation of our specific situation.""The Inside View draws from information that is in our spotlight as we consider a decision—our own impressions and assessments of the...