From Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models" Inversion "Inversion is a powerful tool to improve your thinking because it helps you identify and remove obstacles to success. The root of inversion is “invert,” which means to upend or turn upside down. As a thinking...
Second Order Thinking
From Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models" Second Order Thinking "Second-order thinking is thinking farther ahead and thinking holistically. It requires us to not only consider our actions and their immediate consequences, but the subsequent effects of those...
First Principles Thinking
From Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models" First Principles Thinking "First principles thinking is one of the best ways to reverse-engineer complicated situations and unleash creative possibility. Sometimes called reasoning from first principles, it’s a tool to...
The Map is not the Territory
From Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models" The Map is not the Territory "The map of reality is not reality. Even the best maps are imperfect. That’s because they are reductions of what they represent." "We use maps every day. They help us navigate from one city to...
Probabilistic Thinking
From Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models" Probabilistic Thinking "Probabilistic thinking is essentially trying to estimate, using some tools of math and logic, the likelihood of any specific outcome coming to pass. It is one of the best tools we have to improve...
Causation vs. Correlation
Form Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models." Causation vs Correlation "Confusion between these two terms often leads to a lot of inaccurate assumptions about the way the world works. We notice two things happening at the same time (correlation) and mistakenly...
Circle Of Competence
From Shane Parrish's "The Great Mental Models" Circle of Competence "When ego and not competence drives what we undertake, we have blind spots. If you know what you understand, you know where you have an edge over others. When you are honest about where your knowledge...
I’ll be Happy When…I Find the Right Job.
From Sonja Lubomirsky's book "Myths of Happiness" I'll be Happy When...I find the Right Job. "The heart of this chapter is about the happiness myth that stokes this crisis point—namely, that whatever happiness may have eluded you thus far will materialize after you...
I’ll be Happy When…I’m Married to the Right Person
From Sonja Lubomirsky's book "Myths of Happiness" I'll be Happy When...I'm Married to the Right Person "As I describe below, even the happiest marriages cannot maintain their initial satisfaction level, and only with a great deal of energy and commitment can you...
The Mediating Assessments Protocol
From Kahneman's "Noise" The Mediating Assessment Protocol. (From page 299) At the beginning of the process, structure the decision into mediating assessments. (For recurring judgments, this is done only once.) Ensure that whenever possible, mediating assessments use...