From Shane Parrish’s “Decision by Design”

“The process of decision making has been studied for ages. How to actually move through that process is the art form. The skills you’ll learn in Decision by Design have been tested over time and across industries. They work time and time again. It’s not about shortcuts or hacks.And most of what you’ll learn I didn’t create on my own -they’re the skills shared by the most effective decision makers in the world.

It doesn’t matter if they’re applied to aerospace or athletics — buying a stock or choosing a partner — these are the skills of the most successful thinkers and decision makers.

I’m Shane Parrish. I’m the founder of Farnam Street. A company dedicated to thinking and living better.I joined a three-letter-intelligence-agency, just before 9/11. I was catapulted into learning skills that stretched my thinking and decision making, and I quickly went from being an entry level employee to running a team of over 100 people and making decisions that impacted my entire country.

Years later, I’ve worked with and learned from some of the best decision makers in the world. And … I’ve taught thousands of others the practicable skills that put you on the path to making better decisions. Each time I teach these skills, I’m amazed how quickly these behaviors and tools can be implemented to produce dramatically better outcomes.

When you’re done with this course, you’ll have an entire tool kit for decision making that’s going to make you a better leader, a better teammate, a better critical thinker, a better strategist, and most importantly a stronger force for driving the change you want within your own life.”

Below are the notes I took:

Find the Lead Domino

Find the Root Problem

When to Decide

The Most Important Thing

Owning the Frame

Anticipate the Future

The Right Information

Establish Correct Automatic Behaviors

Preparation Over Prediction

How to Avoid Stupidity

Perpetually Improve as a Decision Maker
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