From Tal Ben Shahar's "Happier" Is There a Correlation Between Wealth and Happiness? "Studies have shown that the relationship between wealth and happiness is very different from what most of us would expect. In extensive cross-cultural and longitudinal studies of...
Psychology Articles
Which goals/job should I pick to be happiest?
From Tal Ben Shahar's "Happier" Which Goals and Jobs Should I pick to be the Happiest? You Should Pick Goals That are Intrinsic. "I believe that goals are indispensable to a happy life—to be happy, we need to identify and pursue goals that are both pleasurable and...
You must help other people for a happier life.
From Tal Ben Shahar's "Happier" You Must Help Other People for a Happier Life. "Helping oneself and helping others are inextricably intertwined: the more we help others, the happier we become, and the happier we become, the more inclined we are to help others." (p....
Principle 1- Love Maps
From "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" from John Gottman Principle 1- Love Maps "To this day, I’m struck by the story of this couple. Here was an intellectually gifted man who didn’t even know the name of the family dog or how to find the back door! Of...
Here are the signs that can predict Divorce
From "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" from John Gottman Here are the signs that can predict Divorce. First sign- The Harsh Start Up "Dara immediately becomes negative and accusatory. When Oliver broaches the subject of housework, she’s ready to be...
Intro to Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
From "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" from John Gottman Intro to 7 Principles of Making Marriage Work. "in their day-to-day lives, they have hit upon a dynamic that keeps their negative thoughts and feelings about each other (which all couples have)...
Principle 4- Let Your Partner Influence You
From "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" from John Gottman Principle 4- Let Your Partner Influence You "Jeremy has made his wife a partner in his decision making. He respects and honors his wife and her opinions and feelings. He understands that for his...
Does making more money make people happier?
From Sonja Lyubomirsky "The Myths of Happiness" Once you reach a basic level of living, making more money does not make people much happier. This is due to Hedonic Adaptation. While you may genuinely be happy after you purchase something, the novelty wears off. Humans...
Your brain thinks in System 1 and System 2
1 min. 10 sec. read Whenever we make a decision we use two modes of thinking, System 1 and System 2. You can think of System 1 and System 2 as two agents, each with their own character, abilities, limitations, and functions. "System 1 operates automatically and...
How to change bad habits.
3 min. read You can't get rid of bad habits. The best thing you can do is change a bad habit with a different habit. In order to change your bad habit, you need to keep the cue, keep the reward, but change the routine. "That’s the rule: If you use the same cue, and...